How to Upgrade Pokemon Go Game

How to Upgrade Pokemon Go Game

You need to improve the Combat Power (CP) which is how powerful are Pokemon and your entire Trainer Level i. e. how much you have played the game, if you want to move forward and win battles in the the game of Pokemon Go.

On the other hand, you will require high-powered Pokemon to win battles, but you need to be a high-powered trainer to discover and upgrade to high-powered Pokemon.

This is in view of the fact that the advanced your Trainer Level, the better the Pokemon you will get and the more you can get their CP upgraded.

Fortunately, you gain more (XP) experience points towards your trainer level with almost everything you do in Pokemon Go.

Look at the following scenario about Pokemon Go experience:

  • Sprouting a Pokemon = 500 XP
  • Obtaining a fresh Pokemon for the first time = 500 XP
  • Stopping at a PokeStop = 50 XP
  • Landing a tricky or hard throw = 10 XP
  • Catching a Pokemon = 100 XP

Finding and catching lots of Pokemon is your first step.

The next thing is to power them up. You do this by hitting the Pokeball logo at the base of your screen, and then tap Pokemon. You will notice a sort-able list of all your Pokemon. You will see alternatives, if you tap on any fundamental Pokemon:

For instance, evolve means that you should transform your Pokemon to a different upgraded species while Power up means that you should train your Pokemon in order to increase its health and CP points by a small amount.

Evolved types of Pokemon are normally much stronger, but you may just be able to eveolve them at a time or two before they get to their final form, depending on the Pokemon.

To upgrade them however, you will need Candy (to evolve and power up) and Stardust (to power up).

However, note that the more you power up a Pokemon, the more stardust it will need to get to the new levels of strength. Diverse Pokemon need special amounts of candy to evolve.

(1 raters, 5 scores, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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